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Middle School Ministry

I have recently been hired full time as the Middle School Minister at my church and I can tell you from experience, middle schoolers are a special breed of people. They are going through so many life changes that they can be super fun one minute and then the next ask you a deep question about Christianity (that even with a degree in Religion, I have to go look up an answer). I believe that middle school is a crucial place in a person's life where the church needs to be there to help them through the awkward transition from child to teenager. I am currently reading "Middle School Ministry" by Mark-O and Scott Rubin, and it has helped me remember what it was like to be a middle school and how awkward that transition is. No matter how awkward it is or gets, its all part of God's wonderful and beautiful plan for us to develop and start to understand things better. I remember when I was in middle school, trying to fit in with my peers and asking my mom to buy me some desi

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